Triple Jump Requires Speed, Strength, And Power
To achieve success in the triple jump the jumper must develop speed, strength, and flexibility. Triple jumpers train like sprinters, but at a slightly lesser level do to their time spent on jump training, to increase their speed. They also perform a variety of strength training activities such as weight training to develop basic strength and jumping drills to develop specific jumping strength. A triple jumper also needs to work on their flexibility to increase their range of motion.
How Often Should I Practice The Triple Jump?
The answer is dependent on what level of a jumper you are? If you’re a beginning jumper you need to do basic weight training, 2-3 times per week, jump training 2 times per week and sprint training, 4-5 times per week. You’ll also have pre-season training, in-season training, and off-season training. Training for intermediate and advanced jumps is similar but becomes more specific as the jumper develops.
A good coach will have a monthly, weekly and daily training schedule posted and given to the jumpers to focus on and to know what they will be doing each practice. A triple jumper can also find a club or individual coaches whose expertise is in the triple jump that compliments the athlete’s high school or collegiate coaching methods to further their jump training. Remember, practice make perfect as long as you’re perfect in practice!
Michael G. Helps You Train For The Triple Jump
Mike coaches high school, collegiate, open and Masters triple jumpers. His jumpers have won numerous individual titles over a span of thirty-plus years. He has coached over fifty athletes in the jumps and sprints to All-American status throughout his coaching career. Mike was inducted into the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAACC) Hall of Fame for track and field in 2011. Some of Mike’s former athletes are now successful coaches at the high school and collegiate levels.
Great News! Michael G (Mike) Is offering his Triple Jump Video Texting Service once again! Here’s how it works; send Mike a video text of each jump, he’ll look at it and send you a text right back with information on what to do to jump farther on your next attempt! Click to learn more about his Triple Jump Video Texting Service.