First of all, stay safe, disinfect surfaces around you at home and at work, wash hands for at least 20 seconds and be sure to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.
The first part of the triple jump is the approach run-up to the take-off board into the hop. The actual distance the triple jumper should use for their approach will depend upon the level of the jumper, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Rules of My Triple Jump Matrix:
Rhythm and Execution
At first, speed kills then later speed thrills
The triple jumper who is a beginner should start with an approach run of approximately 7-8 steps, (not strides). This will allow the jumper enough speed to execute their triple jump while maintaining their balance and rhythm for a successful jump. Too much speed will usually cause the triple jumper to lose control, (remember, not maximum controllable speed, until later), but a speed that the jumper is comfortable with and allows them to complete their triple jump.
The triple jumper who is an intermediate jumper, (1-2 years of proper triple jump training), should have an approach length of approximately 9-12 steps. This jumper should/will be able to use close to maximum controllable speed in their approach while maintaining balance, rhythm, and execution during their triple jump. If they’re not able to handle this amount of speed, simply reduce their approach run down by 2-4 steps, to allow the athlete to execute their triple jump with balance and in rhythm.
The advanced triple jumper, (3-5 years of proper triple jump training), should have an approach run of approximately 14-16 steps, (it could be a couple of steps more too), This stage of the jumper will/should be able to run their approach at maximum controllable speed and even at a speed which is close to their maximum speed.
Practice makes perfect as long as you’re perfect in practice!
The approach run needs to be practiced over and over the athlete’s training schedule. Try to mimic in practice, elements, that take place in the competitions when performing approach runs. Does the jumper triple jump in the beginning or towards the end of the competitions? If the triple jump is in the first part of the competition, then in practice the approach run at the beginning of practice. If the triple jump is in the latter part of the competition, then in practice the approach run later during practice.
Michael G. Helps You Train For The Triple Jump
Mike coaches high school, collegiate, open and Masters’s triple jumpers. His jumpers have won numerous individual titles over a span of thirty-plus years. He has coached over fifty athletes in the jumps and sprints to All-American status throughout his coaching career. Mike was inducted into the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAACC) Hall of Fame for track and field in 2011. Some of Mike’s former athletes are now successful coaches at the high school and collegiate levels.
Great News! Michael G (Mike) is offering his Triple Jump Video Texting Service once again! Here’s how it works; send Mike a video text of each jump, he’ll look at it and send you a text right back with information on what to do to jump farther on your next attempt! Click to learn more about his Triple Jump Video Texting Service.